Blue Nile Analytica is a company registered in Kenya and in the State of Maryland in the United States of America.The Company specializes in Cooperate Training & Consultancy Services in Data Science, Cloud Computing and Cybersecurity and associated Technologies.

The name Blue Nile Analytica is derived from the name of the longest river in Africa (River Nile). River Nile is historically considered the longest river in the world. It flows from lake Victoria in Uganda through Southern Sudan, Sudan, Egypt and finally into Mediterranean Sea. Communities living around the river depends on it for their livelihood. Its water is Blue. Blue Nile Analytica under the leadership of Pius Odhiambo has been established to empower institutions in Africa meet the demand for Data Science professionals in the job market. This will make Africa remain competitive as it joins the rest of the world in Data revolution era.
Pius Odhiambo is a Senior Data Scientist Consultant based in Washington DC, in the United States of America. The company has 4 Directors, 1 administrator and 15 Management trainees. The company intends to roll out 4 signature programs in collaboration with like-minded institutions and technology companies. The 4 programs include Certificate in Data Science, Diploma in Data Science, Postgraduate Diploma in Data Science & Post Graduate Diploma in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence. Read More


Certificate in Data Science

Admission Requirements : C( plain) at KCSE

Diploma in Data Science

Admission Requirements : C+( plus) or Certificate in Data Science

PostGraduate Diploma in Data Science

Admission Requirement : C+( plus) and Bachelors degree in Quantitative field or equivalent

Postgraduate Diploma in Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence

Admission Requirements : C+( plus) at KCSE and Bachelor's degree in STEM field

The courses will be taught collaboratively with 6 universities from Kenya in an revenue sharing arrangement where Blue Nile Analytica will teach the courses that the universities do not have the capacity to teach. In the 2nd phase of the program after Blue Nile Analytica ( BNA) has trained the 6 universities and they now have the capacity to teach the courses, BNA through its network in diaspora will recruit students from all African countries to take the classes from the 6 universities making the country to earn foreign exchange from the fees paid by the foreign students
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Market-Driven Programs

Our training curriculums are prepared in accordance with technology market trends, and are vetted by prominent industry professionals.

Comprehensive Learning Delivery

Our Training Sessions involve lots of practical projects that embed skills into learners using real-world situations.

Extended Mentorship

Our Trainees and Graduates are entitled to extended mentorship and guides provided by both our experts and alumni.